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How to Fix 'No Record Found' When Sending NIN to 55019 for JAMB 2025"

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 How to Fix 'No Record Found' When Sending NIN to 55019 for JAMB 2025"

"If you're trying to register for JAMB 2025 and receive the error message 'No Record Found' after sending your NIN to 55019, don't panic!

This issue means that your NIN needs validation before JAMB can access your details. In this guide, we'll explain why this happens and provide a step-by-step solution to fix the problem, so you can complete your JAMB 2025 registration successfully.

"Why Are You Getting the 'No Record Found' Error?

The 'No Record Found' message appears because JAMB cannot find your details in NIMC's database. This usually happens due to the following reasons:

1. Unvalidated NIN: Your NIN may not have been fully validated, or some records may be incomplete or require updates.

2. NIN Not Linked to Phone Number: If you changed phone numbers after registering for NIN, JAMB might not find your record.

3. Errors in NIN Details: Mistakes in your name, date of birth, or other personal details can prevent the system from recognizing your NIN.

4. NIN Not Processed by NIMC: Sometimes, it takes time for NIMC to upload or update records."

# How to Fix "No Record Found" Error When Sending NIN to 55019

Follow these steps to resolve the issue and proceed with your JAMB 2025 registration:

Step 1: Visit a NIMC Enrollment Center for Validation

Since the error is caused by an issue with your NIN record, you need to visit the nearest NIMC center for validation.

What to Do at the NIMC Center:

1. Explain that you're trying to register for JAMB 2025 but keep getting the "No Record Found" error.

2. Request that they validate your NIN and check if your details are complete.

3. If there are errors or missing details, ask them to update your record.

Documents You May Need:

1. Your NIN Slip (the one you received when you registered for NIN).

2. A valid means of identification (e.g., school ID, birth certificate, or voter's card if available).

Step 2: Wait for a Few Hours After Validation

Once NIMC has validated your NIN details, it takes a few hours for their system to update. JAMB's system will also need time to recognize the corrected details.

Recommended Wait Time:

- At least 4 hours after validation before retrying the NIN-SMS process.

- If the issue persists after 24 hours, you can try sending your NIN to 55019 again.

Step 3: Send Your NIN Again to 55019

After waiting for a few hours, try registering again by sending your NIN to 55019 using this format:

- Text your NIN (11-digit number) to 55019.

- Example: NIN 12345678901.

- Send the message from the same phone number linked to your NIN.

Here's a rearranged and readable version:

# What Should Happen Next?

If your NIN is now validated, you should receive an SMS from JAMB with your profile code. If the error persists, revisit the NIMC center to confirm if your details have been fully updated.

# Additional Tips to Avoid NIN-Related Issues in 

JAMB 2025

1. Use the phone number linked to your NIN: If you changed numbers after getting your NIN, update it at a NIMC center.

2. Ensure your NIN details are correct: Wrong details can cause problems with JAMB registration.

3. Validate your NIN early: Don’t wait until the JAMB deadline to fix the issue.

4. Avoid multiple SMS attempts in a short time: If your NIN needs validation, sending multiple messages won’t help.

# Final Thoughts

If you receive the "No Record Found" error when sending your NIN to 55019, it means your NIN needs validation. The best way to fix this is to visit a NIMC enrollment center, update or confirm your details, and wait a few hours before trying again. Following these steps will help you successfully complete your JAMB 2025 registration without further issues. Don’t wait until it’s too late — fix the problem now and stay ahead!


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